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Ensuring clients live, not just exist


Empowering customers

In keeping with our holistic approach to caring for clients, we take every measure possible to ensure they are still able to thrive whilst requiring help at home.

Our level of bloomin' good care extends far beyond the functional basics many other typical care-in-the-home service providers carry out. From the first moment you enquire about using our services, we work incredibly closely with clients and their families to really understand what makes them tick as an individual – their interests, their hobbies, their passions. Essentially, everything that makes them, them.

Truly understanding what makes them happy is a key part of developing a client’s bespoke care plan.

How do Blossom Home Care carers achieve this?

All carer visits last a minimum of 50 minutes – and often much longer, depending on the agreed level of care. This provides the necessary time for our carers to engage in virtually any activity that keeps clients motivated and upbeat, on top of the day-to-day essential tasks that keep them safe and healthy in their own home.

Activities are based around the things that really stimulate a client’s interest or passion. This could range from enjoying a few board games in a local pub, to full days out at local parks, beaches, or visiting historical sites and tourist attractions.

For example, as part of their bespoke holistic care routine, one Blossom Home Care client enjoys spending afternoons feeding their beloved horses. This is a highly rewarding and engaging activity they have been used to doing all their life – and so ensuring they are still able to do this is a major part of maintaining their physical and mental wellbeing, despite their requirement for care.

As an additional benefit, such activities are also logged in the Blossom Home Care app. Family members can refer to this at any time of day and get instant reassurance their loved one is getting an all-encompassing level of care.

Our special approach to premium home care services is all designed to ensure one thing: enabling clients to live their life they way they want for as long as possible.

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