Comments, Compliments & Complaints

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Blossom Home Care operate an open and honest culture

We encourage all individuals to feel comfortable about raising concerns, passing comment on or giving compliments about their care, colleagues or their managers.

Giving praise can be easier than blowing the whistle on care which isn’t up to standard. Although it isn’t easy it can be a vital part of safeguarding adults in care as well as those who work in Health and Social Care Services. We understand that it requires careful consideration not just for those who raise concerns but also for the team here at Blossom Home Care. However our view is that it gives us the opportunity to make necessary improvements and for this reason, as well as many others, we view all feedback in an extremely positive light.

In the unlikely event that you need to make a complaint about the care we offer or a carer, a manager or a colleague you work with please complete this form. Your comments will be treated in the strictest confidence and can be left anonymously for your reassurance. Equally if you have any positive feedback that you’d like to give we’d love to hear it.